Local Manufacturing

Local manufacturing provides new opportunities in rural areas and that is already a great reason to buy local. Yet, local manufacturing also enables creating better, more sustainable products.
Our products are manufactured in Forssa, Finland by Suomen Käsityöteollisuus Ltd. For us, it has been invaluable to get to the factory and back to Helsinki in a matter of hours.  Proximity has helped us respond faster to design and manufacturing problems. Many of the solutions we've developed would've been impossibly slow to come by, had we traveled abroad for prototyping.
Local manufacturing also allows repairs at the workshop. This way we can learn from weak points, constantly improving and iterating our product.
Local manufacturing is costly, but for the reasons mentioned above, it leads to better products. Better products last longer, get used more, and are thus more sustainable.
We also believe in preserving and cultivating local know-how in manufacturing. It enables new great things to emerge from the local ecosystem of makers. And that is super important.